Week 2 -- VIA Strengths Assessment
Thursday, January 23
Day 2
Activity #1: Journal: Write about a positive change you want to make in your life. Why is this change important to you? What are the first steps you can take to make it happen? (15 minutes)
Activity #2 Values in Action (VIA):
Character strengths are qualities that come naturally to you. There are 24 character strengths that I will share with you and every individual possesses all 24 of those strengths in varying degrees. Your character strength gives you your own unique profile. When you know your strengths, you can use them to improve your own life and to better understand those around you.
For instance, you may use a tree as a metaphor. The roots can serve as your top five strengths and the branches can be what you aim to accomplish with those strengths.
This assignment will be due by Thursday, January 30, 2020. You will have some time each day to work on this poster project.
Day 2
Activity #2 Values in Action (VIA):
The VIA Institute on Character helps people change their lives by tapping into the power of their own greatest strengths. Established as non-profit organization in 2001, they set out - and continue to - advance both the science and practice of character, and empower those on their strengths-building journey.
Vocabulary to discuss and define: What is a character trait? What is a virtue?
Character strengths are qualities that come naturally to you. There are 24 character strengths that I will share with you and every individual possesses all 24 of those strengths in varying degrees. Your character strength gives you your own unique profile. When you know your strengths, you can use them to improve your own life and to better understand those around you.
Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives such as patient, unfaithful, or jealous. Often, someone's character and personality are intertwined.
Virtue -- a virtue is a commendable quality or trait that a person can possess
Virtue -- a virtue is a commendable quality or trait that a person can possess
The 24 Character Strengths
In the early 2000s, something groundbreaking occurred in the social sciences: Scientists discovered a common language of 24 character strengths which make up what is best about our personalities. Everyone possesses all 24 character strengths in different degrees, so each person has a truly unique character profile. Each character strength falls under one of six broad virtue categories: virtue of wisdom, virtue of courage, virtue of humanity, virtue of justice, virtue of temperance, virtue of transcendence. These virtues are universal across cultures and nations. Each character strength is highlighted on this web page: 24 Character Strengths

Activity #3

Activity #3
You are asked to take the VIA survey to discover your greatest strengths so that you can use them to improve your daily lives. Research shows that using your character strengths can help you: improve your relationships, enhance health and overall well-being, and buffer against, manage and overcome problems. Log onto the website below, create an account, complete the survey,and print out your personal profile during your class time today.
Activity #4
Read and think about your top 5 character traits.
Design a small poster using your top 5 character strengths. Create a symbol which will serve as a metaphor for your strengths (Hand out Poster Rubric).
For instance, you may use a tree as a metaphor. The roots can serve as your top five strengths and the branches can be what you aim to accomplish with those strengths.
This assignment will be due by Thursday, January 30, 2020. You will have some time each day to work on this poster project.