Activity #1 -- Journal If happiness is a skill, how can you improve your happiness? What can you do to make yourself happier? How Much Money Do You Need to Be Happy? Money is important to happiness, but only to a certain point; money buys freedom from worry about the basics in life—shelter, food, and clothing. However, research from the journal Nature Human Behavior shows that the sweet spot for yearly income is between $60,000 and $95,000 a year, not a million-dollar salary. Earnings above the $95,000 breaking point do not equate to increased well-being; a person earning $150,000 a year will not be necessarily as happy as a person earning a lot less. Happiness also levels off, just as the hedonic treadmill shows us—people return to their set point of well-being no matter how high moods rise or how low they dip. Activity #2 -- 15 Prescriptions for Happiness "We don’t have unlimited time, yet we live as though we do. How can we use the trut...
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